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Total time: 200.60 hours

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)06 Oct 2017Omprakash KokaneTestingGraphics card Driver issue with pakistan customer so downloaded and updated graphic driver on customer machine Rx 460 card sent 16.300 Drivers.2.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)06 Oct 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23200.50
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)05 Oct 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23202.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)04 Oct 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23202.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)03 Oct 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23202.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)29 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23201> Task allocation & Weekly report. 2> Discussed with parag to allocate task to shashank (Unit test) for Mp4 record joining. 3> Discussed with krishna for time taken by him is more & redmine updation is not proper. 4> Discussed with monaz mam for Pradyna task. 1.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)29 Sep 2017Omprakash KokaneTestingPakistan customer issue observed on team viewer as jerk comes on his Z170 6th generation machine with Rx 560 graphics card.0.30
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)29 Sep 2017Omprakash KokaneTestingProgrammed 2 Leo HD card for ajit sir 8885 and 88190.30
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)27 Sep 2017Amit HaradMeetingsBroadcast India Exhibition Meeting1.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)27 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23200.50
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)25 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23201.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)22 Sep 2017Omprakash KokaneTestingTested all asus and Gigabyte MB for MS jerk and input Detection issue.0.30
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)22 Sep 2017Omprakash KokaneTestingMB and Graphic card approval report with Jignesh sir and krishna sharma.1.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)22 Sep 2017Omprakash KokaneTestingSupport call from Satu supported with Jitu for 16.300 drivers not installed properly.1.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)22 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23205.50
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)21 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23200.50
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)19 Sep 2017Omprakash KokaneTestingIntel Driver installation problem in Z270 Gigabyte Gaming7 motherboard with Windows 7 . Tested with 470 16.200 and 280 14.9 Graphic card Drivers .Changed Bios setting also but intel drivers not installed . It gives error message the 7th genration processor hardware is not comaptible with Windows 7.1.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)19 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23202.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)18 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23201.50
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)16 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23201.50
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)15 Sep 2017Omprakash KokaneProduct DocumentationExport report from Redmine and sorted for Recomandation of Mother board and Graphic card.1.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)15 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23201.50
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)14 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23201.50
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)13 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23204.00
UAT (User Acceptance Testing)12 Sep 2017Jignesh ParvatiaMeetings#23201.50
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